Our client is a British company based in London, which is a government agency with an official list of all the addresses, streets, and what located there. Database (based on Oracle) is being subsidized by British municipalities, that use API or Web to insert new or changed addresses or streets. Information from the database is being shared by the company with other government organizations and sold commercially (e.g. courier companies). Current version of the application has been written ca. 10 years ago, and the company wants to rewrite it from the scratch using J2EE (Spring + Hibernate), frontend in Angular and microservices. Frontend layer is very complex, because it contains maps as well. |
Branża: | IT |
Rodzaj pracy: | praca stała |
Stanowisko: | Java Web Developer |
Wakatów: | |
Miejsce pracy: | zachodniopomorskie |
Wymagania: | Requirements:
Obowiązki: | Responsibilities:
Sposób aplikowania: | Oferta pochodzi z portalu Prosimy o przesyłanie aplikacji bezpośrednio do pracodawcy. Link do ogłoszenia na |
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