

Service Manager

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0566/2016
Atos IT Services sp. z o.o.


The role of Network, Data Center & Communication Services (NDCS) Service Manager has a responsibility to ensure that services are delivered in line with Service Description and target Service Levels are achieved.

Day to day activities require coordination and operational review with delivery teams responsible to ensure level and quality of service are maintained and to identify areas for continuous improvement.  

This includes visibility and management of each component of delivery to identify where efficiencies can be made.

Branża: Inne
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: Service Manager
Miejsce pracy: Bydgoszcz


  • Experienced in Service Management
  • Experienced in Service Delivery of business critical operations
  • ITIL Qualified
  • Minimum 5 yrs. experience of working in international environment (either in Poland or abroad)
  • Msc. university degree preferred in computer science
  • English spoken/written at least at B2 level
  • TOEIC certification would be a plus 
  • German or French would be an advantage
  • Ability to develop and maintain excellent relationships with external and internal customers
  • Open and clear communication skills
  • Proactive attitude at vision creation and consistent implementation of it
  • Ability to work with high standards on behalf of Atos and its customer
  • Project Management experience as a plus
  • Ability to travel abroad


Service Manager within Global Delivery reports directly to Tower Country Head (TCM) and Tower Service & Operations Manager (TSOM).


Key areas of focus:

·       Service cost related financial management

·       Service Level Management - Delivery Performance and Quality

·       Service Continuity, Improvement and Excellence

·       Incident & Problem Management (escalation and decision making role as a part of defined process)

  • Operational Change Planning (be a part of Change Advisory Board)
Sposób aplikowania: Oferta pochodzi z portalu Prosimy o przesyłanie aplikacji bezpośrednio do pracodawcy. Link do ogłoszenia na


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