

BID Consultant

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0564/2016
Atos IT Services sp. z o.o.


We are looking for Bid Leads / Bid Consultants, who will extend Bid Factory Team Netherlands and enable growth in upselling capacity for GBU BTN. Successful Candidates will be a part of Solution&Bid Management team in xFS tower. 

 Bid Consultants combine in one person the following roles: bid management, solution management, financial engineering and proposal writing. The Bid Lead / Bid Consultant has fit to purpose proficiency of these roles, making him/her a specialist for upsell proposals.

Bid Consultants is responding to a clean upsell request and responsible for creating a publishable proposal that meets expectations of the customer (content, process, format); has delivery and account service team commitment; is authorized according to organizational standards & processes; is in line with account team arrangements & expectations.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: BID Consultant


  • Master's, Bachelor’s degree in area of IT technologies or Business;
  • 2 to 5 years’ experience in IT business environment OR more for senior role;
  • Good communication skills in English verbally and in writing;
  • Experience as an analyst, architect, consultant, lead technician, manager is a plus;
  • Be a professional: learn, update, grow and apply knowledge & skills;
  • Use your network regarding portfolio, organization, solutions and commercial information;
  • Use your common sense and be pragmatic and flexible in case the request is not clean and pre-conditions are not always met;
  • Advice the account service team in providing a clean request, follow the upsell process, decision making and pragmatic approach in case things are still unclear;
  • Be flexible in working hours and supporting colleagues with the team objectives in mind.


With the high frequency of similar requests for a specific customer the Bid Consultants and the team becomes more self-supporting in creating the proposal.

Bid Consultants tasks:

  • Create winning proposal using country or customized account service team templates;
  • Contribute to the team objectives such as maximize order entry, win & hit rate;
  • Report to one or more Single point of contact (SPOC) in the NL BF Team for different customers.
  • Help each other by working together on complex bids; use your own strengths (skills, knowledge and experience) to share knowledge & coach each other.
  • Keep administration up to date & transferable using the Atos standard tools
  • After care to handover / feedback between bid team and account service team, delivery teams & portfolio teams and vice versa.
Sposób aplikowania: Oferta pochodzi z portalu Prosimy o przesyłanie aplikacji bezpośrednio do pracodawcy. Link do ogłoszenia na


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