

junior sofware developer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 1498/2015
UXPin sp.z.o.o.

UXPin is a design platform that makes it easy to go from static design to fully animated prototypes - without any code. Everyone can comment directly on designs.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: junior sofware developer
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Gdynia
  • good knowledge in at least one programming language (JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP etc.),
  • good knowledge of relational databases (MySQL/Postgres),
  • good knowledge of CSS and HTML,
  • working knowledge of Git,
  • good English skills (our team is international).

It would be perfect to have experience in: Frameworks such as Rails/Sinatra, ExpressJS, AngularJS etc. Node.js and non-relational databases (i.e. Redis/MongoDB) Test-Driven Development Contributing to open source projects LEAN Agile Development, SCRUM or Extreme Programming methodologies


Responsibilities: Participate in design & development process of new and existing features Implementation of an awesome user interface Creation of external UXPin services which are going to be the part of UXPin platform Care of code quality

Sposób aplikowania: CV prosimy wysyłać na adres:


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