

internal communication trainee

Szczegóły oferty nr: 1489/2015

EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental Organisation with 41 Member States, committed to building, together with its partners, a Single European Sky that will deliver the air traffic management performance required for the 21st century and beyond. We help our Member States to run safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly air traffic operations.

Branża: Finanse, Ekonomia, Prawo
Rodzaj pracy: staż
Stanowisko: internal communication trainee
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Brussels, Belgique
  • excellent writing skills in English,
  • excellent communication skills,
  • dynamic, results-oriented and hands-on attitude,
  • understanding of the Internet and online tools,
  • sense of initiative and ability to work independently,
  • excellent interpersonal skills.
  • working under the supervision of the internal communications manager, the trainee will:
    • Contribute to the Agency's internal communications strategy,
    • Act as a junior communications business partner for the Directorate of Resources, liaising with all areas of the directorate (HR, finance, corporate services) regarding their internal communication needs (see more details on the EUROCONTROL website
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