

stakeholder relations

Szczegóły oferty nr: 1362/2015

EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental Organisation with 41 Member States, committed to building, together with its partners, a Single European Sky that will deliver the air traffic management performance required for the 21st century and beyond. We help our Member States to run safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly air traffic operations.

Branża: Inne
Rodzaj pracy: staż
Stanowisko: stakeholder relations
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Brussels, Belgique
  • already holding or about to obtain a degree in Information Management,
  • knowledge or interest in Customer Relationships Management tools e.g. : Salesforce and/or Exact target,
  • independent, pro-active approach,
  • good communicative and organisational skills,
  • experience or knowledge in the use of standard Office applications.

The trainee will be part of the internal corporate communication services contributing to the support of further development of stakeholder relations and information management tools and processes. This is an ideal opportunity for someone interested in developing or furthering their knowledge of information and customer relationships practices in a multicultural and multilingual environment.

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