

global mobility coordinator, a1

Szczegóły oferty nr: 1082/2015
State Street Bank Poland

State Street Bank Poland

Branża: Finanse, Ekonomia, Prawo
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: global mobility coordinator, a1
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk
  • strong organizational and analytical skills,
  • communication, interpersonal and influencing skills, with an ability to self-manage and self-motivate as required,
  • engaging personality with an appreciation of cultural and human diversity,
  • Power Point, Excel and Word Skills required,
  • knowledge of Tri City or Kraków geography (public transport, neighbourhoods' characteristics etc.),
  • experience in B2B contacts with hotels or apartment lease companies would be advantage,
  • English and Polish language skills essential.

Purpose: Supports expansion of State Street by ensuring efficient employees relocation and travel between locations. Administers office at State Street new location in Gdańsk. Helps in coordination of the office and company operations by maintaining office systems.

Sposób aplikowania:

To apply : apply :


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