

product marketing manager

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0621/2015

We're looking for an accomplished and experienced Product Manager to play a big role on the team working on FishEye & Crucible products - one of the most famous web-based code insight & review tools.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: product marketing manager
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk

What we expect from you:

  • hands-on attitude and experience in promoting software to B2B or B2C customers,
  • excellent understanding of online marketing toolbox for both attracting and nurturing customers and users,
  • experience with online analytics design and use for drawing business and product insights,
  • creative and analytic mind to constantly test, track and improve the implemented ideas,
  • excellent communication skills with fluent English (both spoken and written). German is a plus,
  • strong teamwork and organisational skills with proven ability to influence and engage product development teams,
  • experience in direct contact with customers in an international environment.

What you will do:

  • drive growth of Spartez products through planning, launching, analysing and reporting on our marketing campaigns,
  • generate leads with a mix of online and offline marketing tactics,
  • support development team in customer communication in the common goal of achieving product-market fit,
  • generate and implement ideas for attracting customers and users and report on your results,
  • work with customers on our products’ use-cases and testimonials,
  • design and record product videos, prepare and run webinars in English,
  • actively collaborate with the team on designing content-driven marketing activities and publishing engaging content.



Sposób aplikowania: Apply:


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