

java developer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0348/2015
Research & Engineering Center Sp. z o.o.

We create a team REC Global. We use the knowledge and expertise to develop solutions for software engineering. We help our customers to create new ideas. We carry out a variety of international projects that give us the opportunity to learn new information technologies. We work in intercultural teams. By sharing different points of view, we are constantly expanding our horizons. We value talent, enthusiasm, knowledge and experience. We operate in a culture of free communication, exchange of experience and commitment. Together we create a workplace that we like. Enjoy IT.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: java developer
Wakatów: 2
Miejsce pracy: Koszalin
  • experience in J2EE and / or J2SE,
  • knowledge of SQL (MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL),
  • knowledge of XML,
  • good knowledge of English,
  • ability to take responsibility for the tasks realization and high quality assurance,
  • effective communication skills (related to both task realization and progress reporting),
  • fulfilling commitments and willingness to show initiative.
  • analysis of customer requirements,
  • creating, developing and maintaining applications,
  • creating and maintaining project documentation,
  • working with other team members,
  • cooperation with customers.
Sposób aplikowania:

Send your CV in English e-mail: Please make sure your CV includes the following clause: “I hereby give my consent for processing my personal data included in the employment offer for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997, Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended).” Please note: Only successful applicants will be invited for an interview.

Send your CV in English e-mail:


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