

customer service executive

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0853/2014

We opened our Polish office at the end of 2009. From our centre in Kraków we deliver services for major clients in the travel and tourism sector. We are responsible for managing all the contact with their clients throughout Europe: we plan journeys, manage reservations, and help solve the many different problems that are connected with their journeys. Our employees speak many foreign languages fluently, among them: French, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish.

Branża: Inne
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: customer service executive
Wakatów: więcej
Miejsce pracy: Kraków
  • excellent written and oral skills in German or French or Dutch,
  • good command of the English language,
  • excellent customer care and proactive attitude,
  • result oriented approach,
  • attention to details,
  • being a team player,
  • previous call center, travel industry or/and hospitality experience - as an asset.
  • provide support to clients in travel industry sector (via telephone, e-mail, chat),
  • adequate understanding, interpreting and managing incoming enquiries,
  • provide active support to customers before and after booking,
  • delivering the highest quality customer service,
  • ability to be both proactive and reactive based on the individual situation,
  • working with colleagues to ensure Clients expectations are meet.
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