Harvey Nash Technology Sp. z o.o.
Harvey Nash Technology, a global IT outsourcing service provider and professional technology recruitment consultancy, listed on the London Stock Exchange is committed to delivering the very best talent and IT solutions to a broad base of international clients in Europe, USA, Asia and Australia. Over two decades we have built an international reputation for our fair, open and innovative approach to business and in 2013 we brought our unique business model to Poland. Our approach is highly distinct: by being part of a global plc with 7000+ staff we offer the scale and reach of a large company with the local focus of an innovative startup. |
Branża: | Finanse, Ekonomia, Prawo |
Rodzaj pracy: | praca stała |
Stanowisko: | back office/customer support team member |
Wakatów: | więcej |
Miejsce pracy: | Gdynia |
Wymagania: | Dla naszego Klienta, międzynarodowej firmy działającej na rynkach finansowych, poszukujemy kandydatów do budowanego kompleksowego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za Back Office Operations i/lub Customer Support. Jeżeli:
Sposób aplikowania: | Aplikuj na: https://system.erecruiter.pl/FormTemplates/RecruitmentForm.aspx?WebID=92bb8e721b4b4a9d9342723e6088689b |
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