

summer jobs

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0705/2014

T&S Group to Agencja Pośrednictwa Pracy z wieloletnim doświadczeniem (posiada certyfikat: KRAZ 3745). Obecnie poszukujemy osób na stanowisko:

Branża: Przemysł, Inżynieria produkcji
Rodzaj pracy: praca za granicą
Stanowisko: summer jobs
Wakatów: więcej
Miejsce pracy: Tilburg
  • availability for a period of at least 13 weeks,
  • average or good knowledge of English,
  • it is good to have a category B driving license,
  • readiness to work in different factories,
  • willingness to work overtime.
  • work in various factories in the Netherlands ,
  • depending on the needs of the employer , simple stock works ,
  • work in the production (production , packaging of food and industrial stuffs ) ,
  • in horticulture and various warehouses, work in the gardening , harvesting and sorting vegetables or fruits, work with the unloading / loading of goods , etc.,
  • time of leaving depends on the requirements of the Dutch employers , even few days after registration !
Sposób aplikowania:

This offer is for people with the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions, due to a variety of planning work. During the recruitment process in the first place applications submitted via a form on (

) with an attached CV and which meet the required criteria will be considered.


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