

front office management

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0359/2014

Firma OneGlobe zajmuje się organizowaniem programów wyjazdowych dla studentów i absolwentów do USA. są to programy Work and Travel,Internship, Trainee, Camp. Więcej info: Obecnie poszukujemy osób na stanowisko:

Branża: Finanse, Ekonomia, Prawo
Rodzaj pracy: praktyka
Stanowisko: front office management
Wakatów: 2
Miejsce pracy: North Dakota
  • To apply for the Trainee program, applicants must hold hospitality or tourism management degrees and have least 1 year of professional work experience related to the degree, OR be career professionals of 5 or more years of professional experience in this field,
  • must speak fluent English,
  • must have at least 1 year of prior front office work experience,
  • must be flexible and willing to train on flexible schedule,
  • must have a positive attitude and the ability to communicate with clients and hotel associates,
  • must be proactive, detailed oriented, willing to learn, creative, team player.
  • The trainee will learn how to maintain and promote hospitality at all times; how to welcome and serve the hotel guests in a courteous, efficient and friendly manner, both face-to-face and on the phone,
  • start date: March 2014,
  • training duration: 12 months,
  • hours: 32-40 per week.
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