

graduate consultant / recruitment consultant

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0193/2014
Relyon Recruitment

Relyon Recruitment, one of the most dynamically growing recruitment companies in the world, is looking for the most driven and ambitious graduates to work in a headhunting role with exceptional earning potential and a fast-tracked career progression scheme. Our grads control what they earn and how quickly they are promoted by the work they put in. If this sounds like the right working environment for you then apply now! This is the only chance this year to join the company that employs the most talented young people. Through hard training delivered by some of the most effective sales people in the industry and advanced tools enable them to become sharks of business and allow them to earn the highest commission in the recruitment industry ever! Relyon Recruitment:  company created and managed by successful business executives, 50% growth rate year on year,  meritocratic, organically grown company, hires trainees with the view of making them our future directors.

Branża: Inne
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: graduate consultant / recruitment consultant
Wakatów: więcej
Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

This is Recruitment Campaign for Top Talented Graduates! Your attitude is much more important to us than your experience.


The Role at Relyon Recruitment:

  • a 360 recruitment and sales role – be responsible for the whole process from start to finish,
  • business Development – build your own client base and make a name for yourself within the industry!,
  • sourcing, screening and reviewing suitable candidates for your clients’ vacancies,
  • arranging interviews and negotiating job offers,
  • develop and maintain relationships with your clients to ensure repeating business,
  • predominantly a phone based, target driven, sales role.
Sposób aplikowania:

If you believe you are the perfect match for this job, please send us your resume: Prosimy o dołączenie do aplikacji następującej klauzuli: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnych z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.97 r. o ochronie danych osobowych Dz. U. Nr 133 poz. 883)". Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do odpowiedzi na wybrane oferty.



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