

junior java developer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0919/2013

Misys is in lead of financial software industry, providing banking, treasury, trading and risk solutions. Gdynia team - over 150 employees, C++ and Java Developers with Functional and Technical Testers, User Interface Team, 3rd line Support, Business Analysts.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: junior java developer
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Gdynia
  • our requirements  a bachelor or master degree in computer science or up to 2 y experience  strongJava skills  up to 2y experience in software development: software company or banks (preferable)  willing to learn and acquire new skills  design patterns  tools: Maven, Jenkins, TestNG, Nexus, Eclipse, JIRA  SQL  data integration/ETL  analytical and problem solving skills; 
  • very good English skills.

As a Junior Java Developer you will be responsible for  performing care and maintenance  implementing new features as specified  respecting high level coding and designing standards  working with financial engineering, 3rd level support and product management teams to improve the MGR product.

Sposób aplikowania:

Candidates are kindly requested to submit their CV in english to: together with an approval for the processing of personal data listed below: „I hereby agree for processing the following personal information strictly for the purposes of job recruitment in accordance with the regulation for the protection of personal data passed on the following day: 29.08.97r. DzU nr 133 poz. 883.”

Candidates are kindly requested to submit their CV in english to: together with an approval for the processing of personal data listed below: „I hereby agree for processing the following personal information strictly for the purposes of job recruitment in accordance with the regulation for the protection of personal data passed on the following day: 29.08.97r. DzU nr 133 poz. 883.”


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