


Szczegóły oferty nr: 0910/2013

PRAN ma ponad 10 - letnie doświadczenie w rekrutacji pracowników dla holenderskiego rynku pracy. W tym okresie PRAN budował wiarygodny wizerunek i znalazł nową pracę dla ponad 25.000 pracowników. PRAN gwarantuje 100% zadowolenia swoich pracowników i ich klientów. Obecnie poszukujemy osóbna stanowisko:

Branża: Przemysł, Inżynieria produkcji
Rodzaj pracy: praca za granicą
Stanowisko: tester
Wakatów: więcej
Miejsce pracy: Veldhoven - Netherlands
  • secondary Vocational Degree Mechatronics, Aeronautical Engineering,
  • good communicator in English,
  • interest in other technical and business processes,
  • independent, enterprising, purposeful and flexible,
  • service orientated and team worker,
  • structured,
  • able/willing to work mainly with computers in a remote testing environment.

As a tester you will accurately calibrate and qualify hardware TwinScan systems according to agreed specifications, quality standards and delivery times. Testing will be performed according to predefined procedures.

  • Quality: perform calibration, performance, system qualification tests on ASML products and/or (sub) systems in accordance with established specifications. Recognize and report (structural) problems and give support in solving these problems when required.
  • Production: ensure system progress by achieving an amount of tests guided by strict procedures within your shift conform planning and customer specification. • New Products: contribute to the Pilot process and transition from pilot to volume production. Execute and improve procedures, processes, protocol etc.
  • Teamwork: Able to work in a multi-cultural team with mutual respect within a high-tech environment. Contribute to the team by sharing your knowledge amongst your colleagues. Bring up improvement ideas and contribute to implement them when feasible and possible.
  • Knowledge and skills: acquire sufficient knowledge of new and established products and processes, modifications, sub-modules and complete systems.
  • Reporting: process and administrate information in SAP and reporting of the machine status in the machine logbook according to the Way Of Working within TF-DO-test.
  • Communication: synchronize and plan manual adjustments together with the Manual Technician. Inform Volume support in case of disturbances. Keep output/team leader informed in case of disturbance in progress. Inform MH in case of material ordering or returning. Etc.
  • Safety: comply with the 5S and safety standard rules
Sposób aplikowania:

If you know that you are perfect for this position please send your CV (tailored and detailed) and CL as soon as possible to

Tailored CV and CL


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