

junior developer – c/c++/.net

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0647/2013
Reed Employment Oddział w Polsce

REED is a specialist provider of permanent, contract, temporary and outsourced recruitment solutions, IT and HR consulting. Assisting jobseekers and employers since 1960, Reed’s global expertise spans Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. In Poland we specialise in Multilingual Shared Services, Accountancy, Banking, Finance, IT & Telecoms, Property & Construction, Engineering, Sales & Marketing.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: junior developer – c/c++/.net
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Qualified candidates for this position will have:

  • Qualification(s) in software development, specifically C/ C++/C#/.NET and JavaScript
  • Working knowledge of GIS / mapping systems
  • Working knowledge of databases, in particular SQL Server and Oracle with any spatial extensions
  • 1-3 years working experience
  • Operating system and IT infrastructure knowledge to support software installation and configuration
  • Have good problem solving abilities
  • A desire to understand user requirements and provide suitable solutions
  • Excellent written and verbal skills in English
  • Ability to produce quality deliverables first time
  • Ability to work to a project plan, with the knowledge and capability to escalate issues when required
  • A consistent positive attitude
  • On the job mentoring will be provided
  • As a JUNIOR DEVELOPER - C/C++/C#/ .NET you will play a key role in the team working on our Client's AssetWise platform primarily within the Oversize / Overweight Routing product. We make extensive use of Web, desktop client, GIS, mapping, and database technology in our applications and this is an ideal position for a JUNIOR DEVELOPER looking to develop enterprise software solution implementation skills within a global leader with significant opportunities for career growth.


  • Provide input on the full software development lifecycle from design through development, to testing and implementation
  • Develop automated extract / transform / load processes working on GIS and mapping data to build route networks in our Client's format
  • Develop custom solutions integrating user systems with the our Client's product line
  • Enhance existing routing processes to consume third party commercial routing data and leverage third party mapping processes
  • Support users in questions related to the use of the products and new enhancement designs
  • It is expected this position will require minimal travel, with North American travel possible for training purposes
Sposób aplikowania:

Prosimy o dopisanie w CV poniższej klauzuli: "Zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz.96 ze zm.) niniejszym wyrażam dobrowolnie zgodę dla Reed Employment Limited Oddział w Polsce z siedzibą w Warszawie przy Al. Jerozolimskich 123a na: - przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych, zawartych w CV lub innych przekazanych przeze mnie dokumentach, w celu prowadzenia i administrowania procesami rekrutacji do pracy z udziałem mojej osoby, - udostępnienie moich danych osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom oraz innym podmiotom z grupy Reed do celów związanych z procesem rekrutacji. Przysługuje mi prawo dostępu do moich danych i ich poprawiania."

If you are interested in the role please send your CV to: Please note that we will contact only selected candidates


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