

designer electronics/architect electronics

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0358/2013
Randstad Engineering

Randstad Engineering specializes in search and selection of highly qualified professionals and managers for the manufacturing, supply chain and construction and energy sectors. Our Client is an international, highly innovative manufacturer of High Tech products.

Branża: Przemysł, Inżynieria produkcji
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: designer electronics/architect electronics
Wakatów: więcej
Miejsce pracy: Netherlands
  • master of Science in Electronics or Electrical Engineering 
  • at least 3 years designer experience in a high tech environment or high complex systems company 
  • design experience in preferably more than one of the following areas: front-end analogue sensor electronics, high speed digital systems, power electronics, semiconductor device technology, ASIC, MEMS or other related electronics 
  • ability to technically lead/mentor teams or are ready to take this step 
  • motivation to work abroad  flexibility,
  • good communication skills 
  • ability to overview multiple competences, learn fast, take responsibility, act decisive and show critical sense 
  • excellent command of the English language, both written and spoken
  •  directing designers along the lines of agreed architecture, guard that the modules that make up the (sub-) system design meet the higher level requirements  performing trade-off studies to determine the preferred implementation scenario for the realization of one or more of these modules  advising management in electronic (sub-) system level design decisions, obtaining management approval for proposed architecture and design  defining, executing and documenting the tests that need to be performed to guarantee that the electronic (sub-) system performance meets its requirements  directing external co-developers who carry out development activities as part of the project
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