

objc developer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0347/2013

inFullMobile Sp. z o.o. is a mobile software development house, specializing in the client side of mobile software for clients all around the globe. We are a young company, where you can make the difference, the company structure is horizontal so everyone has a say. We are looking for the best of the best developers, some out of the box thinking, the courage to get involved with the bleeding edge technologies and projects.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: objc developer
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Warszawa
  • A proven track record in C/C++ projects (Obj-C, C# or Java is a plus) 
  • Participation in specification and planning of new product modules and features, 
  • A good knowledge of the English language (both written and spoken), 
  • Out-of-the-box thinking and creativity (we care little about the at lines of code you write, but the number of problems you solve), 
  • Following of high quality programming standards, 
  • Keep a track of the industry developments/standards and take the initiative to incorporate these into the company technologies  Team-play,
  • What would make you the perfect candidate:  Hands on experience in development for any Mobile OS platform or technology - iOS, Android, Symbian, WebOS, MeeGo, Maemo, Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS, Series40 or related technologies (e.g. Qt)  Scrum (or other Agile) development method experience, 
  • Passionate about mobile technology,  Attention to detail


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