

it project management manager

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0069/2013
VIWA Entertainment Poland Sp. z o.o.

Każdy marzy o tym, aby przekuć swoje zainteresowania w pracę zawodową. W ten sposób zrodził się pomysł firmy Level77, która jest częścią grupy VIWA Entertainment Poland, czyli miejsca pełnego gadżetów i gier komputerowych. Cała nasza firma "kręci się" dookoła gier - to nasza pasja i sposób życia, dlatego doskonale rozumiemy potrzeby graczy i utożsamiamy się z nimi. Sami wyczekujemy kolejnych premier i sami dumnie nosimy koszulki z logo ulubionej gry na piersi. Każdego dnia ciężko pracujemy nad tym, aby dostarczać dla Was najlepsze produkty.

Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: it project management manager
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Koszalin
  • Advanced professional or theoretical knowledge and functional concepts, practices and procedures of a particular field of specialization in the execution of assigned duties and responsibilities
  • Demonstrated ability with working in a geographically distributed development team environment
  • Experience in Web E-commerce projects
  • Must have excellent problem solving skills and love technical challenges
  • Must be self-motivated, and able to multi-task
  • Must be able to take initiative to be productive and efficient Qualifications: ·         Computer Science degree preferred
  • Knowledge of application development required
  • BICSI RTPM, Cisco CCNA, or PMI PMP certification preferred
  • Basic knowledge of PHP programming
  • Knowledge of MySQL

Responsibilities include the following:

  • Manages and communicates a clear vision of the project’s objectives and motivates the project team to achieve end results
  • Sets the direction for the organization’s project governance and project leadership structure
  • Actively leads efforts that encourage equitable problem resolution and improved working relationships
  • Leads and directs staff communication and compliance monitoring of policies, procedures and practices
Sposób aplikowania:

Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their Cvs along with a statement to Please include the Ref. No.: IT MM in the subject line of the e-mail. In your application please include the following statement: “I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in my job application for the needs of the recruitment process of VIWA Entertainment Poland Sp. z o.o (in accordance with the Personnel Protection Act of 29.08.1997 no 133 position 883)”.

CV + Cover Letter


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