

mechanical design engineer | precision mechanisms - netherland

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0917/2012
A.S.Ingenieurs - concept & design bureau

A.S.Ingenieurs – concept & design bureau, offers you the chance to build an exciting career. After several years A.S.Ingenieurs can boast a wide experience in a very challenging environment. Invaluable in this respect is the involvement in quality projects. You also have access to our extensive knowledge network of colleagues. You can also count on good salary and benefits and the drive of a dynamic and employer concerned. People and knowledge are, after all our working capital.

Branża: Przemysł, Inżynieria produkcji
Rodzaj pracy: praca za granicą
Stanowisko: mechanical design engineer | precision mechanisms - netherland
Wakatów: 3
Miejsce pracy: Netherland
  • Candidate must proof his experience and be able to show a samples of simillar Works done by his own.
  • We also interestend with a ambitious students or just graduated persons who will like work as a asystent to get experience and essential knoweladge. ( only persons whos can proof any directed students activity like science organisation member etc )
  • For all time we are strongly interested with coloporation with every persons whos have a strong and real experience in designing a parts and/or completed mechanisms.
  • Focus is concentrated on high- tech precision systems.
  • For design of dynamic project we usually use a NX 7.5 but similar cad packeten are also welcome.
Sposób aplikowania:

If you meet the requirements above and would like to apply for this role please email you current CV to Leo van Smulder: |



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