

system architect

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0054/2012
Nokia Siemens Networks Sp. z o.o.


Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: system architect
Miejsce pracy: Wrocław
  • MSc/BSc degree in Computer Science or related fields;
  • more than 5-7 years of related professional experience;
  • good knowledge of telecommunication and IT products;
  • good understanding network technologies is required;
  • extensive experience in enterprise software development;
  • proven expertise in software architecture design on J2EE platform;
  • consolidated experience with Application servers, SOA, BPEL;
  • consolidated experience in Linux operating systems;
  • Java certifications will be highly appreciated (Sun certified enterprise Architect for J2EE);
  • wilingness to relocate to Wroclaw;
  • openness to new environment, people and culture.


  • Strong analysis skills;
  • Good communication skills including capacity to share knowledge;
  • Autonomous and able to work under minimum supervision;
  • Change management and situational leadership;
  • Networking and collaboration in a global organization;
  • Communication and presentation skills;
  • Collaborative and good teamwork capabilities;
  • Creative and motivation in acquiring new knowledge;
  • Open-minded;
  • Innovative.

General purpose: Work as experienced System Architect in Telecommunication Management Network systems. Identify, discuss and propose the optimal technical solution based on the requirements from our customers and stakeholders but also taking into account the cost and impacts in the existing versions. Consider also the product profitability and R&D efficiency for all the solutions. Main responsibility area: He/She has the responsibility for specifying, planning, reporting, designing, reviewing in his/her technical area (e.g. several features). Is an expert for techno-economical aspects in own responsibility area. Leads and executes technical activities and projects in own responsibility area. Supports resource and program planning. Writes requirements, specifications and other guiding documentation for R&D from a technical point of view. May work also outside of own process area on technical issues. Solves complex engineering problems in many technology areas. Coaches other team members in solving complex engineering problems. Undertakes technical training responsibilities. Job Description: This job requires a broad and depth knowledge of Radio and Core Networks operability and know-how about operator OSS systems, process automation, system security and software engineering practices are also very important. The main tasks will be related with the support/integration of new Networks Elements in the OSS products, as well the design and architecture of new OSS features in this product line. Thus, strong analytical skills are also required in order to understand the equipments and network scenarios to be supported.  

Sposób aplikowania:

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"Oświadczam, że wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb przyszłych procesów rekrutacji Nokia Siemens Networks Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Domaniewskiej 39A (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. O Ochronie Danych Osobowych, Dz. Ustaw nr 133 poz. 883 z późn. zm.)".

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If you are interested in this job offer send your CV in English


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