

Mechanical Engineers/ Software Engineers

Szczegóły oferty nr: 1016/2011
Jakob Hatteland Computer Sp. z o.o.
Jakob Hatteland Computer is developing, producing and selling the automatic warehouse hetttelend_logosystem, AutoStore™. The company has product development, engineering and sales in Vats, Norway and manufacturing in Koszalin, Poland. The company is currently in a strong growth phase and is now looking for new employees. See Product Development We are currently strengthening our team in product development of the AutoStore™ system and is looking for the following personnel:
Branża: Inne
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: Mechanical Engineers/ Software Engineers
Wakatów: 2
Miejsce pracy: Koszalin
  • The first year of the employment of the software engineer will be in our head office in Vats, Norway with transfer to Koszalin after successfully finalised training period.
Sposób aplikowania: If you are interested please send your CV in English with the name of applied position to For more information about the positions please contact Mrs. Monika Chadryś at phone 094 317 77 00, ul. Ignacego Łukasiewicza 4, 75-202 Koszalin.CV


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