

c/c++ senior software developer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0845/2011
Modis International
Zajmujemy się rekrutacją specjalistów z branży IT.
Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca stała
Stanowisko: c/c++ senior software developer
Wakatów: 3
Miejsce pracy: Szczecin
  • 3 years experience in software development (experience in several medium/large projects expected);
  • very good knowledge of C/C++ object-oriented programming;
  • experienced in multithreading programming
  • fluent English;
  • higher, technical education of Computer Science, Telecommunication or related;
  • good expertise in the software development process (Waterfall, Scrum);
  • availability;
  • creativity and willingness to improve;
  • drive and capability to make independent decisions.
  • participates in software development (design, code writing, unit/module testing, documentation);
  • participates in system specification and design, project planning and management;
  • provides expert guidance for planning and analysis;
  • provides consultancy in a certain area of expertise;
  • interpret requirements into preferable technical solution and drive the architecture and its design phases.
Sposób aplikowania: Osoby zainteresowane ofertą proszę o przesłanie swojego CV w języku angielskim na adres: Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: I hereby agree for processing the following personal information for recruitment purposes in accordance with the regulation regarding the protection of personal data passed on the following date: 29.08.97r. Dz. U. nr 133 poz. 883.CV


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