HAYS Poland
HAYS Poland jest firmą doradztwa personalnego, należącą do międzynarodowej, notowanej na giełdzie w Londynie, grupy Hays plc i największej na świecie firmy zajmującej się rekrutacją specjalistyczną. HAYS Poland specjalizuje się przede wszystkim w selekcji oraz rekrutacji specjalistycznej, executive search, Recruitment Process Outsourcing oraz marketingu rekrutacyjnym. Świadczymy usługi w sektorach prywatnym i publicznym, realizując projekty do pracy stałej, tymczasowej oraz na kontrakt. Obecnie poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko:
Branża: | IT |
Rodzaj pracy: | praca za granicą |
Stanowisko: | physical design kit engineer |
Wakatów: | 1 |
Miejsce pracy: | Nijmegen, Netherlands |
Wymagania: | For our top client NXP Semiconductor we search for a Physical Design Kit Engineer. Candidate Profile:
Obowiązki: | The Physical Design Kit Engineer will work in project teams responsible for implementing, maintaining, enabling and giving support on the process design kits. The work covers a wide range of activities e.g. making technology set-up for design tools, developing the code that describes Design Kit components, qualifying the Design Kits, enabling new tool features…. Important aspects in your function are: - Development of Design Kits : the design kit engineer participates to all implementation aspects of PTPs like: - Making technology set-up for design tools - Developing code for component layout generation - Developing verification files for design rules and layout versus schematic verification. - Developing a correct environment for parasitic extraction. - Interfacing with other groups like foundries, model group, flow group in order to get all the technology data required for PTP development. • Qualification of Design Kits: the design kit engineer is responsible for the quality and reliability of the delivered PTP. He/She participates to the development of the qualification flow and methodologies, in order to reach a high quality level. • Support on Design Kits: the design kit engineer provides direct support to Design Kit users being the design community throughout NXP: providing solutions compatible with their design specifics (digital, Mixed Signal, High Voltage, Power, RF) in direct contact with the product development teams |
Sposób aplikowania: | To apply for this position send your application via email to bankowska@hays.pl. |
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