

characterization engineer

Szczegóły oferty nr: 0528/2011
HAYS Poland
HAYS Poland jest firmą doradztwa personalnego, należącą do międzynarodowej, notowanej na giełdzie w Londynie, grupy Hays plc i największej na świecie firmy zajmującej się rekrutacją specjalistyczną. HAYS Poland specjalizuje się przede wszystkim w selekcji oraz rekrutacji specjalistycznej, executive search, Recruitment Process Outsourcing oraz marketingu rekrutacyjnym. Świadczymy usługi w sektorach prywatnym i publicznym, realizując projekty do pracy stałej, tymczasowej oraz na kontrakt. Obecnie poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko:
Branża: IT
Rodzaj pracy: praca za granicą
Stanowisko: characterization engineer
Wakatów: 1
Miejsce pracy: Nijmegen, Netherlands
Wymagania: For our top client NXP Semiconductor we search for a Characterization Engineer. Experience/Skills:
  • Experience in working in teams;
  • Relevant experience in required application domain;
  • Several years experience in RF testing and technical development;
  • Bachelor’s education in EE or Physics;
  • Knowledge of and experience in RF measurement techniques;
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and written in English.
Obowiązki: Job description: Main task of the Characterization Engineer is to provide measurements results from an RF set-up (power sweep, load pull) and / or IR set-up, for a full range of RF products. The gathered data will be interpreted and documented before reporting to the responsible (lead) -engineer of the measured device. Provide a user friendly characterization environment / platform to support designers. Responsibilities:
  • Building and maintenance of custom RF & IR test set-up’s, so that all products shipped to customers are of a constant quality;
  • Maintenance of set-up’s includes all actions needed to ensure timely calibration of the equipment, also during absence;
  • Be a member of new product development teams to ensure acceptable testability of the new product and a smooth introduction of the test solution in production;
  • Provide support to local staff and the offshore assembly centre on correct use and maintenance of the test solutions implemented;
  • Participates in improvement actions aimed at improving test performance and reducing testing cost in production;
  • Safeguarding ESD performance, RF radiation levels & takes responsibility regarding ESH – Environment, Safety and Health.
Sposób aplikowania: To apply for this position send your application via email to


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